“I finally figured out he knows a lot more about being a horse than I know about him being a horse” John Wolf, Farrier

  • Day to Day at the Horse Farm

    As Roseanne Roseanna Danna used to say “it’s always something”

    Just stories of the little things that happen day to day to follow us through the seasons

  • Spot Spot! Our New Rescue Kitties

    We adopted 2 new rescue kitties at the end of April 2023. Here’s the story of their integration at the farm and with our other 6 kitties

  • The "Way Back" Machine

    Just fun stories (some much more fun in hindsight than at the time) from a “City Folk” who moved into an old run down horse farm, got more horses than she should have, and went with the journey to places I could not have imagined.

  • Leadership Lessons from Mama Bear

    Real leaders can’t be bothered to fight about food.

    You may have heard that the dominant animal in a herd gets to eat first.

    Mama Bear taught me that’s not always true, and that just like with people, there’s more than 1 kind of leadership.

    She taught me lots more the kind of leader I want to be.

    Come learn from her and hear her stories.

  • Team Communication Lessons From Polite Horsemanship

    “How do you make a horse respect you?” I was asked by a student.

    You can’t make a 1200 pound horse do anything. And you can’t make the horse respect you any more than I can make you respect me.

    But I’ve found that I can model politeness, and most horses will respond accordingly. We can build the relationship from there.

    Like with people.

  • What You Can Learn About Lean at a Horse Farm

    the horse farm gave me a whole new perspective on Continuous Improvement (and Error Proofing and Mistake Proofing).

    From clueless and over my head to a 90% reduction in terms of how much it cost to run the farm.

    And from 8 hours 365 days a year to 15 minutes a day.

    In the process, the horses live more natural, happier, more socially appropriate lives.

  • Scorched electrical outlet

    What You Can Learn About Safety for Your Business at a Horse Farm

    We’re certainly not perfect, but there’s a lot you can learn about Safety at a horse farm that you can apply to your business.

  • Hosing off Liera on a hot summer day

    Hard Core for Horse People

    If you’re not a horse person, some of these posts might not make a sense to you.

    For horse people, this will include some of the unconventional wisdom and stories I’ve picked up from some of my “old timer” mentors and a lot of people who are much smarter and much better horsepeople than I am.


  • Kitty Wall of Fame

    Description goes here

A Horse Farm?

Yes, 30 years at my horse farm.

A huge learning experience. Started out conventional, became very unconventional.

In a good way.

Kind of like my career.

My lessons learned might help change the way you communicate with your teams (and maybe even how you think about life)