KJ Malone KJ Malone

Wait! Is that a ghost?

As fall comes upon us and Halloween gets closer, I thought I was seeing a ghost. Then I looked further…

Look just under the curved glare in the picture and you’ll see a black and white image.

That shouldn’t be there.

Finding a horse loose on the front lawn when you get back from work at 3am is not what a person wants at that time of night/morning…

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KJ Malone KJ Malone

Beautiful on the inside (or other side)

Maker Works to the rescue (project) again!

I didn't know what a planer/jointer was. But I knew I wanted to see what my 60 year old oak fence boards look like underneath the weathering.

Took the class. Used the SOP a few days later to take on the project.

Beautiful on the inside (or other side).

“There's a morel here “ as we used to say (pun intended)

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KJ Malone KJ Malone

It’s the little things…

It’s the little things…

When your “metal muscle” goes down you become acutely aware of how much you haven’t gotten done.

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