“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”

But seriously, you need to give your subconscious time to recharge…

We used to collect cards in threes and exchange them, unsigned, so they could be handed off to yet another person.

If I found one that I really liked, I bought an extra one so I could keep a copy.

This is one of my favorites.

When a horse is flat out asleep, you seriously look to see if their ribs are still rising and falling so you know they’re still breathing, they are that inert.

There’s a whole series of future blog posts around lobbing questions down to your subconscious and then giving it space to send you back answers. About how that mindful activity can be used to improve safety and improve other processes.

But for today, just savor the thought. Happy Friday!

Til next time…


It’s the little things…


Rule #2: Bank Time