Happy March 1st: You Made It!

Now what’s next?

“Here’s to March 2, whenever it occurs”

We always used to joke

“Here’s to March 2, whenever it occurs”

because usually a bunch of other activities had piled up during the Tier2 reporting season.

So here’s to your March 2nd, whenever it occurs!

What’s next?

If you have found this blog series useful, I would love to hear from you!

I might turn this content into a workbook, if you would be interested in hearing more about that, let me know.

Two other projects you’ll find on the ManGuard Systems website (and more to come) and which I’ll be posting to LinkedIn:

Chemical safety especially for “below the cardboard ceiling” workers, whose safety training is sometimes less than ideal.

Chemical safety for workers for whom English is not their primary language, who don’t read well, or who may have cognitive challenges.

Chemical safety that assumes that the Visual Chemical Safety resources are the only chemical safety training that the worker will receive.

  • Future Facing Projects: Visual Chemical Safety is the leading edge of a broader Global Vision of Chemical Safety. I have a number of other projects you will find under that website heading on the ManGuard Systems website

Call  to the community:

What was your experience this year with Tier2 reporting? What changes would you make to this blog post series? What other resources would be helpful

And that’s a wrap for the Tier2 blog series, here’s to Mar 2nd!


March 1st Plus 1: Just one more thing…


1 Day: Hot off the Press! Michigan Tier2 Manager software is unavailable