27 Days: FAQ Friday
Selected FAQs, and down a rabbit hole re EPA EPCRA Training
FYI, while it shows 303 FAQs when you filter for EPCRA and its subcategory Tier II Reporting (EPCRA 311/312), (which you don’t see until you check the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know checkbox), if you unselect EPCRA and only leave the Tier II Reporting (EPCRA 311/312) checkbox clicked, you get 146 FAQs instead of 303. I wondered why so many of the FAQs at the end related to release reporting…
Another non-intuitive and annoying (to me) feature of the way the FAQ’s work is that if you search, the web page unfilters before searching, so you no longer see only Tier2 FAQs. When you go back, you are still unfiltered.
I’ve provided both a link to the main (filtered) Tier2 only FAQs, and have included the hyperlinks at the bottom of each FAQ that I highlighted. So you can click those and still be looking at the appropriately filtered FAQs in a separate window if you want.
link to EPA FAQ Filtered for EPCRA
Here’s what the page looks like after you choose Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know EPCRA and Tier II Reportin (EPCRA 311/312). Even though Tier II is a sub-selection of EPCRA it’s still showing 303 FAQs
Once you uncheck Emergency Planning and Community RIght to Know, you are down to only the 146 FAQs specifically regarding 311/312 (Tier 1 and 2)
FYI, you will want to filter for Tier II Reporting only (you will need to uncheck Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know, and you won’t see Tier II Reporting until after you initially check the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know checkbox). You will then see 146 FAQs instead of 303
Below is one of the most useful, where to call for help. In my experience, while you may experience some “on hold” time, the information when you get to a person will be excellent and cross referenced to the particular citations or other resources clarifying the question.
And for more resources
The FAQ takes you here
Which if you go deeper on brings you here. We’ll follow he top link
Choose Log in as a guest
Which gets you here. Enter epcra and click Search
Which gets you here.
Well that was a rabbit hole! I haven’t gone through any of the courses yet, maybe this weekend.
I think that’s enough for today. I’ll plan to do a few more FAQ’s that I had hoped to include in this post this weekend.
More tomorrow, here’s to March 2nd!
Community outreach: Have you taken any of these training courses? Were they useful?
#SARA312 #SARATierII #SARATier2 #EPCRA #EGLE #March1EPAReportDeadline #EPCRAHotline #SARAHotline #EPAEPCRATraining
Michigan Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy EGLE links from all three 2022 SARA 312 virtual training course webinars:
I’m reposting these links with my daily Tier2 post because they are so useful.
You can sign in and watch/listen even if you didn’t sign up for the webinar series.
Really good example on batteries. This is the “in the weeds” how to conduct your threshold determinations episode: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/4027906237723673347
I talked to Mike Young, one of the presenters, right after the first webinar. He said that it’s not unusual for them to take phone calls from people from other states (with the warning to confirm that your state doesn’t have differences in their requirements compared to Michigan).
Michigan uses Tier2 Manager for report submission, which is a Michigan-specific program. If your state uses different software, you will need to review its specific requirements.
If your state uses a different software program there may be some differences, but this webinar will probably also cover how to determine the Hazard Ratings, how to enter Locations, and other details associated with report submission. I’ll post the replay when it becomes available.
PRESENTATION: (I wasn’t able to attach a copy of the presentation, email the link below and they will send it to you)
SARA TITLE III – TIER II REPORTING WEBSITE: http://www.michigan.gov/sara
MICHIGAN FACILITIES’ GUIDE TO SARA TITLE III: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-oea-saraguidebook_509720_7.pdf
Mike Young and Adam Pohl