And it’s Toxic Release Inventory TRI Time…

45 Days and Counting Down…

IF you’re like many EHS professionals, we had good intentions of rolling right into TRI from Tier2. But the day to day operational items that had been on hold during Tier2 time demanded our attention…

If you followed my Tier2 blog protocal, you have a huge start on your TRI report.

You generated a full mass balance of Starting Inventory + Purchases - Ending Inventory, which determines the amount of material you need to account for in your TRI.

And you resolved any non-CAS constituents that might have been relevant by matching them up with actual CAS Numbers, and confirmed the ambiguous ones that are irrelevant for either report.

Now “all” you have to do is review any changes to the requirements, check whether you have any new TRI group chemicals (metal compounds for example), filter for only TRI reportable chemicals, mass balance where all those materials went including generating any data for Manufactured chemicals, compare to thresholds, and put it all in the TRI-me software.

As my mentor used to say “any time someone says “All you have to do is”, you know you’re in trouble…”

Here goes…