4 Steps to Visual Chemical Safety

“Any time anyone says ‘All you have to do is’, you know you’re in trouble”

“Give your workers a picture of their chemical hazards and how to work safely with those chemicals”

Simple enough task, right? But not easy, as the saying goes.

Waterfalls can be tricky…and fraught with peril

The HOW gets us in the weeds, but in my experience consists of the following steps:

1) obtain the data

2) review/transform the data

3) create the visual

4) deploy

Simple, but definitely not easy.

We’ll delve into each of those topics in more detail in subsequent posts

Community Outreach: Are these steps consistent with the “picture” in you mind? if not, how is yours different?

More next time…


IAATR - “It’s All About The Requirements”


What’s the “Mom and Apple Pie” around chemical safety for your workers?