My First Visual Chemical Data Project

And then there was Microsoft Wave 15, which became Office 365. ManGuard signed up to explore this new pending version of Visio (and provide input to the team developing it, pre-release).

Gave me an excuse to explore the product in more depth and in a fabulously curated way. Discovered that Visio could take a data feed, render it into a picture, and update the picture based on the data values.

Here’s the result of that project

Simplistic, but gave the user the ability to “see” some of the hazard information about particular Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s). Red indicated flammable, green non-hazardous, blue a health hazard of some kind (not red green color blind friendly at that time).

The height of the thermometer indicated how flammable the material was, and how far to the right the speedometer was indicated how significant a health hazard the chemical was.

Just a start, and set aside for awhile (don’t ask how long), but the germ of an idea.

More next time…


Covid and my “Below the Cardboard Ceiling” jobs and what I learned


How it started…the early early days