Wait! Is that a ghost?

Look right below the curved glare …

Not what you want to see at 3am…

As fall comes upon us and Halloween draws closer, I thought I might be seeing a ghost when I saw the flash of white (then black) at the top of the drivewayl.

This started out to be a picture of Socks, the Tuxedo Kitty, giving me a lead up the driveway when I got home at 3am from my part time night job.

Sure enough, Kona was out on the front lawn. He was buddied up with Junior, who saw the vehicle and was coming out of the field for dinner? breakfast? Whatever you call 3am feed.

Since Kona has become insulin resistant as he’s gotten older (he’s almost 20 now), he can’t be out on the grass full time while it’s growing (spring-summer-fall). If he gets too much grass that still has a high sugar content, he gets an inflammation of the blood-rich tissues inside the hoof wall, a condition called laminitis or founder. It’s an extremely painful condition for the horse and can be life threatening.

Junior met me at the east gate to the arena and I let him in, then headed off to search for Kona.

Kona had conveniently parked himself at the south gate into the arena and came in willingly when I opened the gate. (That hasn’t always been the case when he gets out, he has led me on many a merry chase).

Looked for how he got out, didn’t find it? Raised the low gate at the south round bale (doesn’t look like he got out that way, but who knows?), closed the arena door to the run-out dry lot, and called it a night.


Next round of Round Bale architecture


You may think it's still summer…