Next round of Round Bale architecture
Did Kona really go out over the top of the south round bale?
I had wondered whether this low gate would encourage Kona, my Houdini, to just climb out over the top.
As the bale got eaten down, the gate got more and more angled (the above picture was taken when the bale was still pretty high and the gate pretty vertical. The picture below shows the eaten down bale but after I had raised it and made the gate more vertical again.
No sign of hoof prints on the bale, though, or damage to Kona’s back legs, which would not be unexpected if he had climbed out.
3am hack, raised the gate a bit. No evidence that he got out this way, but still…
Next morning, the paints were still in the arena. Good start.
Future Continuous Improvement: A taller vertical gate on the far side? What (existing) gate can I use?
To be continued…