57 days: Eight Weeks to Deadline, 9 Steps, Are You On Track?
SARA 312 Tier II/2 56 days and counting down
“Any time someone says “all you have to do is”, you know you’re in trouble”, quote from my mentor.
Since Jan 1 was a Saturday this year, you lost 2 days by the time you came back to work from the holidays if you weren’t starting your physical inventory and walkthrough over the weekend.
Below is a high-level flowchart of the distinct activities required to get your SARA 312 Tier II/2 report out the door.
Each of the activities consists of multiple steps/tasks, often many. (Btw, I’ve been helping companies complete their Tier II/2 reports since the first year it was required).
A friend told me “everyone told me what to do, but no one told me how”.
Track with me for the remaining 56 days and we’ll go through it in exquisite (painful) detail. I'll be doing a post every day detailing more about what each of these high-level activities requires.
The order in which the posts come out will reflect the order you'll be working through the activities.
There will be both "nuts and bolts" posts about how to do particular steps ("how do you convert purchases of Each to Pounds for your threshold determination?"), but also some philosophical Why posts for you to share with management ("why a full inventory instead of just what we know we need to report?")
What’s your guess of what the total number of specific tasks that need to be done to get your Tier 2 out the door?
Surely between 100 and 200, I’m guessing 125, but I'm also guessing that's low :)
Hi-level flowchart of SARA 312 Tier 2 steps
Here’s to March 2nd!
#SARA312 #Tier2 #EPCRA #RightToKnow #March1Deadline #visio