60 Days: Happy New (Reporting) Year!

SARA 312 Tier 2: 60 Days until deadline & counting down

What are your most important first steps?

In my experience, the most time-sensitive steps around preparation of your SARA 312 Tier II/2 report are:

  • Conducting a physical inventory.

  • Reaching out to the sources of materials received on-site

Conducting a physical inventory is perhaps the most time-sensitive step because it needs to be done as close to January 1 as possible. This makes it as close to possible to being an accurate starting/ending inventory for the next/current reporting year.

Reaching out to the sources of materials received on-site is time sensitive because it typically takes some time to work through the process for receiving data from the various source systems.

And both are rate-limiting steps because you can’t really begin threshold determinations without them.

Call  to the community:

What has been your experience? Are these the steps that are rate-limiting for you? What has worked and what have your successes been? What is still challenging for you?

More to follow, here’s to Mar 2nd!


59 Days: Help! I have to fill out this report! What do I (really) do? (This blog can help)


It’s (almost) the New Year—Do you know where your chemicals are